Sunday, October 30, 2005

Updating My Amazon List

And I came across this site full of geek bling bling "LINK". I know I would be the only one at the office with microchip cufflinks.

Remember These?

My kids are vaguely familiar with these likes of these. If you rummage around under the front seat of "The Wifes" old car you are bound to find one.
I remember making "Mix Tapes". The original method was to hold a microphone right up to the speaker and capture either the turntable or the radio, this made for fantastic quality. Then as cassette deck technology progressed they were manufactured with line-in and line-out controls this produced a "Premium" sound. We used to buy 120 minute blank tapes, the tape was so thin the eventually would either snap our somehow work its way all through the guts of the cassette deck. Then I would grab a pencil and attempt to fish tattered magnetic tape from the bowels of my after market installed cassette deck.
Anyways there was a real art to blank cassette art work, check out this "LINK" to see if you remember buying any of these beauties.

Halloween Fun

Practice your pumpkin carving skills "LINK"
Thanks to my Aunt for this one..........

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Frick's World Travel Tip #17

The dog you hear barking may not necessarily be in the next room "Read More"
and "More"
via "BoingBoing"

Past Tips
Travel Tip #16
Travel Tip #15

Need A New Accessory,

For your "iPod Shuffle"? If you do check out the "iBelieve".
Multiple uses:
Ward off vampires
Impersonate a Priest or Nun
Wear as bling, bling if your street name is t-Money
Hood ornament for your 1977 t-Bird

I would imagine you would no longer need to re-charge your shuffle since you would now be powered by a "Higher Power"

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The End Of The Weekend

You can always tell when fall is here, the days grow shorter and the afternoon & evenings become increasingly cooler.
This is perfect park weather, in this case it's the "Ronald Reagan Park".
A fantastic park tucked between the Ronald Reagan Parkway (why do we drive on a parkway and park in a driveway, as if you've never heard that one) and some none descript cookie cutter Gwinnett sub-division.

There's a small pond complete with a rustic wooden foot bridge.

The winding foot-path takes you past the doggie play area. In my next life I plan to be taller than the fence.

Walking back to the car we came across this "The Contrast In Seasons" the green from summer mixed with yellows, reds and oranges of fall.

For All You Road Warriors

Click graphic opens in Windows Media Player. It's from Microsoft (I think not) what do think it would open in.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

A Georgia Weekend

It was a crisp fall Georgia morning and what better to do than take a trip up to Helen, GA for a little "Oktoberfest Celebration". Us and about half of the state were planning the same thing.
I just love the Georgia mountain roadside, you will find the landscape dotted with yard sales and small Mom & Pop produce stands.
As we were approaching Helen we can across this home spun grass roots marketing campaign for the local handyman. Now I'm not exactly sure if it was the ex-wife or the ex-husband that put up this sign but it's effective marketing in my mind.

No more than 1/2 a mile down the road we came across the competition "Rent-A-Redneck".

We stopped by "Nora Mills" on the way into town. They still use the river to grind corn into grits (the official Georgia breakfast food).

The old gas pump in front was showing gas at 13 cents per gallon. I backed the sled up to it, no luck dry as a bone.

We spent time feeding the trout.

We made it to town by 10:00 am.
I never realized that the rebel flag was so prevalent in Bavarian towns till I saw this place.

We were cramming funnel cakes down our throats by 10:34 am.

We stopped for a somewhat authentic German lunch.
The wife selected a Reuben with German potato salad.

While I was all about the beer (German, of course) and Brauts. Oh yeah, some German french fries as well.

Now you gotta admire these two. Here we are at the height of Oktoberfest, German beer on every corner and this guy is hauling a 12 pack of Bud Light. I bet his buddy has pork rinds in his bag.

We got in our "Georgia History" for the day while in town.
Helen is home to the largest Pitch Pine in the state. I've never heard of a Pitch Pine but it's comforting to know that we got to see the largest in the state.
I carved my initials in it after I took this picture.

"H" showing his true feelings for his sister.

We stopped by Fritchies after a quick visit with my parents.
"The Wife" is getting pretty good at snapping pictures from inside a car.

Friday, October 21, 2005


Yeah, once again I've posted something insensitive, but funny. What can I say, fact is stranger than fiction.
Found this at "Dvorak Uncensored" he may "Get No SPAM" but at least he gets the good pictures.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

And A Big Thumbs Up To You Too

It's finally happened and it's called "Blackberry Thumb".
It seems that there are some who can't operate the keypad on their Blackberry without suffering from repetitive motion injury. Get with it folks, what would of happened if when our forefathers were cutting trails across our great country they had to stop and rest because their arms hurt from swinging a big ol' heavy ax.

Give Him A Rattle

I was flipping through the channels and saw a courtroom shot of Saddam's trial. It looks like they have this guy sitting in a giant playpen. I found myself listening to the talking head go on and on for what seemed like eternity as to all of the security measures that were in place.

(Quick Cut To The Courtroom)
"OK lets see Mr Saddam terrorist sir you need to stay inside this 3 foot high white fence. No, no Mr Saddam terrorist sir this is not a playpen it is in fact the pinnacle of the security pyramid, honest. Now go ahead and get inside your playpen, I mean security cube and please don't try to hop the fence Mr Saddam terrorist sir."

Didn't anybody see what "Brian Nichols" did inside an Atlanta courtroom? Well maybe the City Of Baghdad isn't staffed by the same firm that the City Of Atlanta uses.

Hey, were these two guys partying together or what?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Damn cool illusion

Check out the "illusion"

Who's Watching What You Print

I have for years told people that every color copy you make is tagged with the serial number of the machine. This was proven to me 7 or 8 years by some engineers. We had 5 color copiers and made copies on each, the engineers walked in took our copies into the other room and returned a few minutes later and placed each copy on the machine from which it was produced.
Well the guys at "EFF" believe thay have cracked the code from Xerox, maybe they have deciphered it who knows.

For Fans Of The Big Box Store

Big box store good? or big box store bad?
The guys from "Jib Jab" weigh in and give their opinion.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Great Halloween Costume

Through the years I have dressed "H" up in a variety of Halloween Costumes. One year he was a crayon, another I dressed him in a big green trash bag (he was a booger) and the best was the year he was a Goodyear tire, this was at the height of all the Ford Explorer roll-overs.

Well I came across this little gem at "". Dress the kid up as a life size game of "Operation" complete with candy and a buzzer. I ran this idea past "H" but he says he's getting a little too old for Halloween dress up, That means he's probably on the verge of toilet paper and eggs for Halloween.
Maybe in a few years I can construct this for our Godson.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Cleaning Up The Backyard

When October rolls around it means we can burn, and since we can burn it means I can clean up a years worth of fallen and cut limbs.

Burning is tough work.
First, you need some kind of a long pole or rake to poke at the fire and move things around.
Next can't get too close or you'll singe all of the hair off of your legs, and I mean all.
Finally have to announce to the kids every 5 minutes or so "Be careful, the fires hot"
You have to keep your ears open for the sound of fire trucks as well.
If you do hear sirens in your neighborhood or in your cul-de-sac this is usually a good sign that things have gotten a little bit out of hand.

As we were clearing and burning we uncovered all kinds of mushrooms or as I like to call them "Fun Guys".

Both of the kids bailed on us for the evening, so "The Wife" and I actually got a chance to go out to dinner, just the 2 of us.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


What do those numbers mean? For me not much, but for the other Wednesday night "Lost" addicted members of Frick's World it means something. They have no idea what that something is they just know it's something.
I am not a fan of "Lost" I just haven't had time to watch it and besides I have enough things in my life that requires a commitment. One of the gents at work "SD" summed it up best when he said "The shows fake, cause the fat guy hasn't lost any weight".
Anyway, back to the numbers, I might have stumbled across what their meaning is. I didn't put this together and since I haven't seen the show I don't know if this is even close but it is thought provoking.
Do not click if you don't want the surprise spoiled. Well maybe spoiled "LINK"

Forget Church Bingo

We now have church poker, complete with themed poker chips.
They might call them "Faith Chips" but we know what they really are, they're poker chips.
I can just see the church signs across our great land spelling out the new message

Frick's World Travel Tip #16

Never stay at a hotel/motel with a number in its name.

Past Tips
Travel Tip #15

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Christmas Is A Time For Children?

I'm flipping through the channels this evening and I pause on QVC and what do I see but the "von Trapp Children" pushing their Christmas CD. Talk about parents pimping their children out. "The Sound Of Music" is 40 years old this year and what they should be selling is and album titled "The von Trapp great-grandchildren sing the songs of their great-grandfather" and bundle it a special 40th anniversary DVD of the movie.

Christmas Is Just Around The Corner

I'm willing to bet I see one of these in my neighborhood. Love the red light gut pile.
Someone needs to send this to "BOORTZ"

Monday, October 10, 2005

The DIY Weekend Is Done

The bathroom over haul is complete. "The Wife" has informed me that my behavior during this project was better than usual, which is surprising. I do recall having one melt down and it came as I was trying to get the chair rail miters just right, bit that's what they invented caulk for right?

We framed the mirror out and replaced the light fixture. All the hardware has a nice pewter tone to it.

Several years ago "The Wife" bought an old window at an antique sale. I have hauled that old window from one residence to another and managed to bitch about it at every opportunity.
That window has been pretty good and quick ammunition during little squabbles. I usually resort to it when "The Wife" is winning such squabbles "Well at least I didn't but an old window that just sits in the basement collecting spider webs".
Once she hears that little golden nugget, she will suddenly cease talking (I've stunned her, or at least that's what I think), she will smile and then hit me with the TKO punch "Well at least I don't pee standing up!" It's at that point that I know I have lost and then I retreat, back to eating my sandwich or whatever I was doing before.
You see the whole reason that women are superior is the simple fact that at some point someone felt it necessary to design a urinal, and since that day it's been down hill for us men.
OK back to the window, "The Wife" came up with a great idea for that old window, convert it into a cabinet. And that's what we did, a couple of 1"x6"s a piano hinge that was laying around and shazam and instant antique. The best part is that it covers the big hole left in the wall from the medicine cabinet.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

An Arts & Crafts Saturday

After putting off re-doing the master bathroom for close to 3 years "The Wife" and I decided to tackle it this weekend.

You can see the beautiful floral wallpaper (circa 198?) and underneath this little piece of decorating history is yet another layer of beautiful floral wallpaper.
Thankfully the tile is in perfect shape. This is the old school glazed type of tile, the kind that when it gets wet becomes as slippery as an ice rink, great choice for a bathroom.

"The Wife" is in charge of painting, thank God.
I've already torn out the old medicine cabinet, great stud work. Who in their right mind installs a medicine cabinet on the opposite wall of the sink and counter? Apparently the builder thought it was going to be the wave of the future way back in 1977.

Who would have thought that 32' of beadboard would take so long to cut? Every single piece that I installed required some kind of a cut out. It's 11:30 and I'm already 4 beers into this project.
As of this posting this project has only required (2) trips to Lowes, but I forgot quarter rounds so I'll be there in the morning.
"The Wife" worked hard, all day, it's 10:00pm and she is already crashed for the evening.

Friday, October 07, 2005


Today was the day, "Goose" was going for her learners permit.

Nothing like a drab and dreary rainy day to let your daughters driving experience begin.

The Georgia DMV is a high automated place. Lots of tote boards and loud speakers.
No doubt we have spent millions of tax payer dollars to achieve the highly automated state.
When you check in you receive a number, it's kind of like being at Burger King you are in constant anticipation of when your number is going to be called.
When I got my drivers license 24 years ago you arrived at the DMV and stood in line for and hour or so and then left with your license.
Not anymore you arrive, check in get your number and then over the course of an hour or so your number will be called many times. You'll go to the counter answer a question or two, maybe sign a piece of paper, return to your seat and wait for your number to get called again. For being so automated it still takes an hour or so to get your license just like it did 24 years ago.

"Goose", "H" & myself getting the lowdown as to how this whole process is going to roll out.
Our DMV is just like a mini United Nations, every country and language is equally represented.
How come every Asian I saw there was driving a foreign car? Hey, throw us a bone and buy American every once in a while.

Two tests, 20 questions apiece. We sent "H" over in Ninja mode to snap this picture.

Back to the counter, again. More questions & forms to satisfy.
See the dude in the white hat, he's wearing a "Cheers" jacket.
Lets see that shows been off the air for at least 10 years. I bet he's driving a Camero or Trans-Am with a whale tail.

There's our number G728 and there's "Goose" filling out yet another form.

Just checking "Goose's" answers. The last question asks "Have you ever been diagnosed with any mental disorders?" Diagnosed, no never diagnosed.

After an hour our mission had been accomplished. "Goose" spent a mere $10.00 I have a feeling that this day is going to cost me a hell of a lot more than that.
Looking back I remember strapping her in her car seat and driving her around, and now I'm about to strap myself in and let her drive me around.