Saturday, November 12, 2005

Alabama Governor Calls For Aruba Boycott

MONTGOMERY, Alabama (AP) -- Gov. Bob Riley called for a nationwide travel boycott of Aruba on Tuesday on behalf of a missing Alabama teenager's family, who accuse the island's government of not fully cooperating with the investigation into her disappearance. Riley asked his fellow governors to join him in urging the boycott of Aruba, where 18-year-old Natalee Holloway was last seen on May 30.

On one hand you have to give it to the Governor for making a stand. Making a stand with some good reason, as I'm sure that the Aruba authorities did not fully cooperate and I'm also sure that Natalee's parents are angry as any parent would be and feels this is a great idea.
But, (which means ignore what you just heard or read because here comes the truth)
These proposed boycotts just don't work. How many e-mails have we all received proposing a 1 day boycott of gas stations. If no one buys gas for only one day this will send ripples of fear through the oil cartels bottom line all across the planet. Bull, those cats are sitting on enough oil and cash (great combination) to outlast any boycott that we could throw at them. Second your dealing with a mass of people that find it hard to get together and remember to vote on the first Tuesday in November every couple of years. There's just no way that all of us could band together and not buy gas on a single proposed day.
Look I wouldn't let "Goose" go to Aruba for all the tea in China. That's a husband/wife decision not one that needs to be prompted by the government. So Frick's World is indeed having it's own Auruba Boycott 2005, do whatever you want.

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