Sunday, October 31, 2004

Halloween Inventory

"H" is sitting down making little piles with all of his candy. He claims he knows how many pieces are in each pile in case either myself of "The Wife" try to sample any for safety reasons.
I spent the last hour and a half walking the neighborhood with "H" & 3 of his friends. During this time I made several observations:

These 4 kids sauntered slowly up each driveway and then slowly sauntered down the driveway to the next house.
When I was a kid Halloween was similar to a timed Olympic event. We ran from house to house, we knew we had a limited amount of time and the goal was to get as much candy during this limited time.

Houses should not give out animal crackers, potato chips or pretzels. Halloween is about sugar, artificial coloring & flavors. No healthy stuff or stuff that you would pack for your kids school lunch.

If you are trick or treating with a girl, and you kiss that girl, you are too old to trick or treat. Go home. Yes, I saw this happen tonight.

Parents do not follow your kids house to house in your car. Get out see what your neighborhood looks and smells like.
When I was a kid (I'm starting to sound like my Dad now) my parents took an hour and a half once a year to go trick or treating with us.

Have your kids make their own costume, don't buy one at the party store. Wearing your basketball uniform is not a costume. "H" wore his soccer uniform not his basketball uniform in case you were wondering.

I need to get off the soapbox and go check to make sure "H"'s candy is safe....

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