Thursday, March 17, 2005

Responsible Parenting

"Goose" is entering that pivotal point in her life. Time the choose her High School courses.
Things have changed a bit since I was in High School 23 years ago. When I went to High School you got a High School diploma, that was it, a diploma. Now you have to decide what type of diploma either a college prep diploma or a technical diploma. If you take the technical diploma path (which has way cooler courses) you can still go to college after 2 years at a junior college.

Well the Frick's World posse has been looking through "The Choice Book" which is the catalog of available courses for these young minds. Here is the link.

Under the technical section I found this course "Responsible Parenting"

Responsible Parenting - 1 Semester - Grades 10-12
Prerequisite - None

This course will include the study of the stages of growth and development from the prenatal stage through the first year of life, child health and safety, discipline, and the selection of child care facilities. Also included are parenthood responsibilities, human sexuality, pregnancy, prenatal care, and special needs children.

The online version leaves off the last sentence.
I wonder if the prerequisite should state "unwed teenage mother".
Think about it if your child was to take this course in 1oth grade they could graduate with a technical diploma and a 2 year old.
They will teach your little one how to choose a child care facility, just think after they teach your little one all about
child health and safety, discipline they can drop their baby (your Grand Baby) off at the local child care facility. Hope the employee's at the child care facility took this course.

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