Thursday, June 30, 2005

Purple Cow

Finished reading "Purple Cow". A quick read round trip to Washington DC and back was all it took. The nice thing about air travel is that there's no phones or e-mail for an hour or two.
Remarkable book.
My favorite point:
"Instead of trying to use your technology and expertise to make a better product for your users' standard behavior, experiment with inviting the users to change their behavior to make the product work dramatically better."

Corporate culture at work my friend.

I deal with users ingrained culture everyday, they don't always know the reason that they do something a certain way, they just know that they have always done it that way.
We all hate change, we are resistant to it, we don't like it and we will do almost anything to avoid it. There are times when changing corporate culture could, I don't know maybe save a corporation a bunch of money. Oh yeah that's right we are all in business to make money, I know that I can't pay my mortgage with culture.
OK, back to the book. Marketing, engineering, sales and technical departments would all manage to take something away from this book. I did like Seth's use of the word remarkable. Remarkable makes a strong statement, it says something more than good or excellent. How many times a day do we hear the word "Remarkable".
We should all strive to be remarkable at something, make a remakable product or offer a remarkable service or be a remarkable spouse.

I hope that I got the point of the book, if I didn't that's my loss, but what I took away from it more that makes up for it.
Just my two cents worth.


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