Sunday, February 13, 2005

My Parents Anniversary

Today my parents celebrate their 45th Anniversary..
2 children later
At least 10 different homes and 6 different states ( I made it through 7 of the houses)
and surviving my "Teenage Years" they are still together.
Looking back it's odd to think that they had been married only 26 years when the I got married. Will that mean that my oldest will be married in the next 7 years when the wife and I celebrate our 26th anniversary?
Through out my life they have set a standard/example for my life as to what marriage means. They have displayed that by forming a bond and partnership anything can be overcome.
They have taught that by considering others thoughts and feelings, you are doing what is right.
I don't think that without these examples I would have accomplished so many things in my life.
I know I am a better person/husband for growing up and being raised in this environment.

Thank you Mom & Dad I love You

Thank you for your love throughout the years.
Nicholas Gordon

Thank you for your love throughout the years.
How else could I become what I've become?
All your plans and hopes and even fears
Now come together in what I have done.
Know that I am grateful for your love.
Your hard work is mirrored now in mine.
On you all my accomplishments must shine.
Underneath my pride, your spirits move.

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