Saturday, January 29, 2005

Winter Is Finally Here

The local TV stations have all changed their on air banners to reflect our recent change in weather. It's "Storm Watch 2005" or "Weather Watch 2005" or you can insert your own weather related phrase in front of "_______ Watch 2005". I have never seen a town that (over) reacts to weather quite like Atlanta does. We have had nothing but storm coverage on the TV for the last 4 hours. We have the numerous video clips of cars that have run off the road and the trucks that are stuck trying to go over "Spaghetti Junction".
I did my own storm preparations last night, I arranged both of the older cars in the driveway so that they are underneath the trees that are most likely to fall over and smash them, then I put the newer car out on the street. The wife did her part by going to the store and stocking up on chocolate, we don't have any diet Mtn Dew, but we got chocolate.
They have cancelled "H"'s basketball game, which with the direction his team has taken this season my not be a bad idea after all.
Looks like it will be a good day to spend studying for my next Microsoft test, whoopee

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