Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Little Late Weighing In On This One

Lets see Britney's rapping husband K-Fed was nominated as "Father Of The Year" so it's only fitting that we now nominate Britney as "Mother Of The Year". It's amazing that in this country you need a license to drive a car, get married, even cut hair, but you don't need to have a license to a baby. No tests or exams no required classes no nothing......
I would imagine that Britney & K-Feds' little bundle of joy would end up with snapped neck from the airbag exploding in his face or maybe he would end up with the "Escalade" emblem (you don't think she's driving a KIA do you) from the steering wheel tattooed in the middle of his forehead if Miss Britney managed to bounce the Escalade off some sort of an immobile or mobile object as she was fleeing the poparattzi. Isn't that what happened to Princess Diana? Oh wait she was rolling in a Benz.
Maybe ole' Brit figured little Sean Preston was safer with her in any situation than being left with K-Fed.

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